One of Zodiac Revisited’s readers passed along the following information about Steve Hodel appearing at the South Pasadena Public Library in a few days. As mentioned below, he appeared back in 2011, at which time I commented via this post. There’s a bit more information about the appearance on the city’s website.
Crime Author Steve Hodel Returns to South Pasadena Library on 8/22/13
Steve Hodel, New York Times bestselling author of “Black Dahlia Avenger: A Genius for Murder” and his latest “Black Dahlia Avenger II” will return for an encore ‘Author Night’ appearance in the South Pasadena Public Library Community Room on August 22 at 7:00 p.m. In 2008 and 2011 Hodel appeared before full house audiences in the venue and revealed a wealth of compelling evidence that his father, Dr. George Hodel, was 1947’s Black Dahlia murderer, the perpetrator of one of the most infamous crimes in Los Angeles history. Steve Hodel’s “Most Evil: The Further Serial Killings of George Hodel” presents a mountain of circumstantial evidence that George Hodel was the Zodiac Killer as well.
George Hodel (1907-1999) grew up a mere stone’s throw from South Pasadena on an estate on Monterey Road. He was identified as a child musical prodigy and the Hodel home was even visited by famed composer Rachmaninoff. Later George Hodel was declared a boy genius after scoring 186 on an IQ test, purportedly 1 point higher than Einstein. George graduated early from South Pasadena High School and in 1923 at only age 15 entered Cal Tech. Later as Dr. George Hodel, a physician, he hobnobbed with Hollywood socialites. 1n 1949 Dr. George Hodel became a Black Dahlia murder suspect and the LAPD planted two microphones in the family home.
Steve Hodel spent 24 years as a homicide detective with the LAPD earning one of the highest “solve rates” in the department before becoming a nonfiction crime author. The publication of “Black Dahlia Avenger” and “Black Dahlia Avenger II” have garnered national news coverage and television appearances. The Author Night program is free and open to the public and presented by the South Pasadena Public Library and the Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library. The Community Room is located at 1115 El Centro Street and no tickets or reservations are necessary. Refreshments will be provided.
If you happen to be lucky enough to catch this appearance, please let us know how it was.